Class Twelve in Section One of Before Logic
Admission: this Halacha 4 that discusses Achdus logically and based on Pesukim is included in the first Mitzvah- Yedia; and not the second Mitzvah- Achdus. Inside beginning of Section 7. Part of the Mitzvah of Yedia is to appreciate the limit of Sechel and that something is above logic. This is also part of why…
Class Eleven in Section One of Before Logic
Inside Section 6. Logic only supports Achdus Hashem inside logic’s parameters, thus Pesukim are needed to state absolutely that the world was created with Achdus.
Class Ten in Section One of Before Logic
Inside Section 6. Introduction to higher than Sechel: 1) RaMbaM teaches Yesh MeAyin, 2) Alter Rebbe teaches that Yesh MeAyin leads to constant creation which is the basis for Achdus Hashem. Achdus is logical but must also be corroborated by Pesukim, because logic doesn’t guarantee that this is how it is by Hashem, without Pesukim.
Class Nine in Section One of Before Logic
Hadran 5746 (5). Shlaimus part two: Two levels of Shlaimus: 1) Logical Shlaimus: Metziuo Meatzmuso- we need Him and He doesn’t need us. 2) Ain Sof is a higher Shlaimus. Above those two is Nimna HaNimnaos, if He wishes He can be not Shalaim.
Class Eight in Section One of Before Logic
Hadran 5746 (4). Shlaimus part one: What is Shlaimus? Is it a positive or negative thing? That depends on the integrity of the (one pursuing the) Shlaimus. By Hashem it is real.
Class Six in Section One of Before Logic
Hadran 5746 (2). Abarbanel and Chassidus about the question of which is higher: the pre-Sechel Emuna or the Sechel that follows it.
Class Five in Section One of Before Logic
Hadran 5746 (1). Emuna before logic is higher than the logic that follows it based on the principal of cause and effect.
Class Four in Section One of Before Logic
Introduction to Hadran 5746. According to the RaMbaM Yedia is a Mitzvah that follows simple faith. Emuna first and the the Mitzvah to use your mind and understand, though it cannot know all that we believe.
Class Three in Section One of Before Logic
12 Tamuz 5742: The 10 of Aseres HaDibros is not included in Pirekei Avos (Ch. 5) because it is the basis for the logic in all things 10, so this ten is absolutely higher than reason
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