
Class Two in Section One of Before Logic

12 Tamuz 5742: all logic begins with supra-logic, like the idea of Ten S’firos and reasons for the creation.

Class One in Section One of Before Logic

Absolute truths and logical truths, Hashem created and is not bound by the laws of logic.

RaMbaM and Chassidus (5776/ 2016).

The question of philosophy and Kabbalah (as it relates to RaMBaM) was resolved over the years. In Kabbalah but especially in Chassidus the unity between RaMBaM and Chassidus becomes wholesome. In our generation the Rebbe has formed an absolute synthesis between the two systems making them absolutely one.

What is Chassidus? (5776/2016)

A discussion on the basic wish of the Ba’al Shem Tov: that we live by our Neshama rather than our mind.

Farbrengen (5775/2014)

Getting the light requires a pure vessel. The four principles of Chassidus 1) waking us from a faint, 2) being extra frum, 3) Refining character, 4) intellectually understanding Godliness. and what they represent, in Chassidus calling to us or us reaching to Chassidus.

Class #23.

In the process of studying Torah a person experiences Hashem’s light. However, we often have a hard time doing our part. This class addresses the challenge of becoming a real student. MP3

Class #22.

The Series now shifts to focus on how Chassidus can be practically applied in one’s life. Note: The beginning of this class refers to a discussion in the previous class in which Rabbi Paltiel returns to the core question, “What is Chassidus?”. The class referred to has not been posted because the content of the…

Class #21

presents a brief discussion of traditions of Chassidic dress. This class includes two wonderful stories that should not be missed. MP3

Class #20.

Why is it that in some cases Chassidim appear to be extremely strict about Halacha while in other areas they appear lenient? Rabbi Paltiel addresses this question directly with explanations of specific cases (e.g., not sleeping in the sukkah etc.). MP3

Class #19.

Discipline and Self-Control are also core aspects of Chassidic practice. Rabbi Paltiel brings his personal experience and warmth to this topic and illustrates the beauty of a life that combines Chassidic joy and yiras Shamayim (fear of Heaven). The class includes discussion of some Chassidic widespread practices of “hidur mitzvah” (beautification of a mitzva) and…