The story of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s wedding in three parts
The story of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s wedding, Part 1.Some background,Meetings, Reb Eli Chayim Althaus, some kind of trouble, the resolution. The Rebbe spends the last Tishrei with his parents, leaves, miracle in the train, joining the Previous Rebbe is Riga, he must leave for Berlin. The story of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s wedding, Part…
23. Lecha Dodi 5689, 5714 (Muga). (5768).
Another version (5767). Commentary on the Frierdike Rebbe and the Rebbe’s Licha Dodi Maamarim. The Two Lecha Dodis given at Beis Midrash linashim in 5774/ 2013. (We’re including the Previous Rebbe’s as well). Lecha Dodi 5689. PDF The Maamar recited at the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s wedding. The Frierdike Rebbe’s Licha Dodi illustrates how preliminary influence…
Margila … Drava 5746.
The Teshuva and Davening nowadays must be done only with joy because 1) We’re too low to afford any kind of sadness 2) We’ve completed all aspects of sad Avoda. The question is still, what is the Tachlis of Torah, Teshuva, and Maasim Tovim. He explains that the point of Torah is to know Atzmus…
14. Vchol Banayich 5745.
Class One. The ma’amar Vichol Banayich is a longer version of the Pada BiShalom that came before it. It teaches that there is a level where all three kavim are equal and a much higher level where Torah [Umnaso, Bichal Miodecha, Milachtecha Naasis Al Yedai Acheirim] is unique to Talmud Torah and this higher level…
13. Pada BiShalom 5745.
Pada_Bishalom according to the Gemara in Brachos (6a) involves all three pillars of Torah, Tzedaka, and Tefilla, but they are not equal. The Torah is on a much higher level than the other two as is enlightened by the Possuk Vichol banayich… Virav Shalom Banayich, that the Chazal interpret “Al tikri banyich ela Bonayich”. The…
V’Chol Banayich 5745.
Two ideas of Shalom (peace): 1) Elevating (and giving clarity to) the sparks through Torah, peace. 2) Bringing together opposites makes even the war peaceful, as the peace is in the getting together with an opposite.
וכל בניך ה’תשמ”א.
Class One. Two levels are extracted from this Possuk. The first is the Possuk by itself, that says that people who learn Torah are Hashem’s children and they have peace. The second is how this Possuk is understood by the חז”ל אל תקרי בניך אלא בוניך that their Torah is מברר the world. The peace…
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