Amar Rav Oshia 5714.
This long Maamar is actually quite easy. It has two parts (basically). One dealing with the words ‘MiKol Michatzetzim’, which means the idea of Bittul in the Torah even of children, and that learning Torah in this way affects one’s ability to paskin Halacha LiaMaase and teaching others. Two- Why this is most effective in…
V’Chul Banayich 5714.
This Maamar revolves around four Midrashim on the idea of Shulamis. 1) The first says that Yidden through Torah bring peace (real peace) into the world. 2-3) The second and third describe two conditions 1) Galus, 2) Beis hamikdash, where Yidden can bring this peace. 4) The fourth says that to affect this peace the…
The Two Lecha Dodis given at Beis Midrash linashim in 5774/ 2013.
Lecha Dodi 5689. The Maaamar recited at the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s wedding. The Frierdike Rebbe’s Licha Dodi illustrates how preliminary influence brings to deeper influences until the ultimate influence the converging of two into one (in children). The examples 1) teacher and students, 2) Father and son, how it is in darkness (Galus) to light…
Toras Menachem – 18 “Chai” Elul 5711 (01)
Sicha 14 Elul in connection with Wedding anniversaries of Rebbe RaShaB (11 elul), and the Frierdike Rebbe (13 Elul). Short story about Rebbe RaYatz’s and Rebbe RaShaB’s wedding.
Toras Menachem – 10 Elul 5711 (02)
Panim and Makif at a Chupa. The Kalla’s Makif, The Chosson’s Makif, and Hashem’s Makif. [How this is found in Elul]. Page 293-4.
שמח תשמח ה’תשמ”ג.
Levels of higher and higher Simcha justifies bringing Joy to the (already) Joyous.
(שמח תשמח ה’תשמ”א (מוגה
Class One. The part of the מאמר we learned first, deals with שמח תשמח רעים האהובים= חכמה ובינה and the spiritual unity they have. Though there is natural Joy in בינה and especially in חכמה- מקום התענוג שלמעלה משמחה but their Joy is מורכב and therefore finite. The unconditional infinite Joy which we ask Hashem…
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