
021 Samech Vov (First Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres – Class 01

Pnimius Ratzon and Chitzonius RatzonThe RaMbaM says that we can know and understand all reasons for the World except for the First. The First Will defines the being. Pnimius HaRatzon for Hashem is physical people doing mitzvos with physical things.Definition: Metzius – exists in a relationship to something.Hashem is a Metzius bilti Metzius Nimtza. An…

023 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lulav Vearava -Class 02

Moshol of Taanug to explain Ein Sof.Taanug is the etzem of the Nefesh – the source of everything. Taanug is lifting oneself up into the Bli Gvul – a feeling of richness of the Ein Sof. There is a big difference between Taanug ha murkav and Taanug ha pashut. Moshol of the light of the…