Chayey Sara 24:42 – Repetition of the Story of Yitzchok’s and Rivka’s Marriage (02)
Why is the story of Yitzchok and Rivka’s marriage repeated (and) in such detail?
Chayey Sara 24:42 – Repetition of the Story of Yitzchok’s and Rivka’s Marriage (01)
Why is the story of Yitzchok and Rivka’s marriage repeated (and) in such detail?
Chayey Sara 25:12~15 – Twelve sons of Yishmael (Yeshiva 5722/ 2021)
Chayey Sara 25:12-15 12 sons of Yishmael (Yeshiva 5722/ 2021)Yishmael (like Nachor and Yaakov) has 12 sons, what do their names mean?Two explanations (PDF enclosed) mostly from Mifarshim (not ChaZaL) explaining the meaning of their names in two ways:1) [based on ילקוט אור האפילה] the twelve sons names based on Yishmael’s nature (Chessed of Klipa-…
Toras Menachem – Chayey Sara 5720 (05) Sicha Two (Unfinished)
Second Sicha (Intro) Class Five: Tzava’as Harivash (in conjunction with 200 years since the Histalkus) Shivisi Hashem Linegdi Samid, Hishtavus, all things are the same. This is (remaining) unfinished.
Toras Menachem – Chayey Sara 5720 (04) Sicha One (04)
Class Four: The candles that burned from Erev Shabbos to Erev Shabbos that change nothing but everything at the same time. The light brings peace, in life and in Avoda.
Toras Menachem – Chayey Sara 5720 (03) Sicha One (03)
Class Three: The lesson from the above is that one gets Bracha above and beyond what he does. The idea of יגעת ומצאת even though you work you get a מציאה. The two ideas of Bread and Tent correspond to Pnimiim and Makif.
Toras Menachem – Chayey Sara 5720 (02) Sicha One (02)
Class Two: This class has an introduction with a story for 20 Marcheshvan. The three Brachos: The cloud on the tent, The Blessing in the dough, The candles burning from week to week. All three share the following characteristic: it wasn’t a miracle with no effort, rather the blessing rested on top of her (Sara…
Toras Menachem – Chayey Sara 5720 (01) Sicha One (01)
Class One: (Page 146) The Brachos of Sara were the signs of her righteousness and they returned when Rivkah moved in. 1) The cloud on the tent 2) The dough had blessing 3) The candles burned all week
Toras Menachem – CHAYEY SARA 5712 (08)- Final Sicha
Fourth Sicha Unlimited blessing comes from humility. Page 135-6.
Toras Menachem – CHAYEY SARA 5712 (07)- Third Sicha – Class 03
Class Three. Kabalas Ol helps make an imperfect situation right. Connection to “BaKol”- daughter, Simcha with Bittul. Page 134-5.
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