
Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 145 ff – Sarah’s life is about the Jewish People

Chayey Sara Patriarchs (12) Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 145 ff After Sara passes away we see her live. Her life is about the Jewish people exclusively while Avrohom is about all of humanity. This shows itself in each of the big events in this Parsha.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 031~034 – Sara and Avrohom

Chayey Sara Patriarchs (11) Sara (the Zohar says) is the body and Avrohom is the Soul, yet, Avrohom 1) listens to her 2) mourns her, as she is the purpose.

Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5751.

Sara’s life is exalted on several levels the highest of which sees all her life as equal.

Yofe Sichasan 5748.

M”A and BA”N their unity is the point of Avoda for all creation.

Amar Rav Acha Yafe Sichoson…5747.

Yafe’ Sichasan Shel Avdei Avos because Sicha means a tefilla from Yechida. An entirely different idea of what is special about this sort than the typical issue of M”A and BA”N.

ViAvrohom Zakain 5746.

ViAvrohom Zakein and Ba Bayamim. This was said before (40 years earlier about both Avrohom and Sara) and it is repeated here; as there are levels in Ba BaYamim, the first being finite and the second being infinite. The numbers 40 and 90 are explored here.

Yafe Sichason 5745

Class One. There are four ideas: the Avoda of the slaves of the Avos, the Torah of the slaves of the Avos, the Avoda of the Children and the Torah of the children. The slave comes first so that the children will follow and exceed them. Class Two. Why is this lesson learned in conjunction…

Vayeheyu Chayey Sara 5745.

Class One. Sara had two gifts for Avoda 1) Chyin Ilain, 2) Her life was hers (as she earned it). How can this Zohar be reconciled with Rashi that interprets the words to mean that all her years were equal. Class Two. The Rebbe explains that the two ideas of 1) ‘Her life is her…

ViAvrohom Zakain 5744.

This Ma’amar is based entirely on the beginning and end of the same Ma’amar from 100 years before: 5644. What is added with words VaHashem Barach Es Avrohom Bakol over the first half of the Possuk. ViAvrohom Zakain deals with overcoming tests, and VaHashem Bairach…, means that there will be no more tests.

ויהיו חיי שרה תשמ”ג

Sara draws down from the unity of Kesser מאה שנה (in singular) to the unification of Chochma and Bina עשרים שנה (in singular) to the variety and division of the Middos שבע שנים (in plural). Her purpose is to bring Godliness down to the place of plurality by protecting that it go only to Kedusha…