
אמר ר’ אחא יפה שיחתן ה’תשמ”ב

The episode of the marriage of Yitzchok and Rivkah represents the idea of יחוד מ”ה וב”ן on a general level, which is the source of how this יחוד is manifest in individual Mitzvos. This union is the joining of Torah and Mitzvos, as they represent heaven and earth. The source of this Eliezer’s שיחה or…

ויהיו חיי שרה ה’תשמ”א.

Class One. Simcha is explored in this class: Joy allows for complete Avodas Hashem; It involves great humility. It needs to be constrained so that it not result in something unholy. Class Two. The issue of Murgash (external and demonstrative passion) that was described as undesirable in the last class, is the Avoda of: Chava,…

ViYitzchok Ba MiBo 5722.

Class One. Osim Rtzono Shel Makom, (Creating a new Ratzon) Joining Sovev and Mimalei; Sovev HaAtzmi. Bchol Livovecha, Nahshecha Miodecha. Class Two. Wells are Yitzchok’s avoda. They represent looking for Ahava (love for Hashem) deep within oneself. There are various steps to removing the blockages to the love and then there are several levels of…

Rav Yosi Pasach… Yisron Eretz.. 5715.

Class One. Malchus completes the Partzuf (Adam). The understanding of Malchus completing Atzilus has three levels, The first two are in the words ‘ViYisron Eretz Lakol Hi…’ (the third is represented by the second half of the Possuk ‘Melech LiSadeh Ne’evad’). Two ideas are discussed here: 1) Malchus brings Atzilus much lower and then raises…

Vayihyu Chayey sara 5713

Sara succeeds with Avrohom’s help (the additional Hey). Birurim involves descending into the Klipa, the lowest requires the highest Koach, Teshuva, Bittul atzmi. Noach’s failure is because he thought Yedias hashlila was high enough.

Chayey Sara 5712.

Class One. Chayey Sara, Chava Noach and Sara shared the Avoda of bringing Bittul into Murgash [as opposed to Adam and Avrohom whose task was in the realm of the Bilti Murgash]. Noach tried a bittul of Chochma (wine, pinimyus Bina is Chochma) and failed; Sara tried a Bittul of malchus and succeeded because she…

Chayey Sara 24:63 – Yitzchok went to pray (lasuach) in the field

Yitzchok went to pray (lasuach) in the field.

Chayey Sara 24:62 – Yitzchok was returning from ”Mibo Lachai Roi”

Yitzchok was returning from ”Mibo Lachai Roi”.

Chayey Sara 24:21 – Eliezer’s Wager

Eliezer’s wager. CHAYE SARA 2009 He was surprised by the positive result.

Chayey Sara 24:15~16 – Rivkah’s Jug of Water (5773/2012).

Rivka’s jug of water. what is the mystical significance of it? The jug that Rivka carried down into the well and the way it is described in the pesukim, RaDaK, Rabbeinu bechayey, Ralbag, Abarbanel, Yonasan, Rogetchiver and Tzemach Tzedek. This jug is the twenty four sefarim of the Torah that Rivka goes down towards to…