
Chayey Sara 24:01 – And Avrohom was Old

“And Avrohom was old.” What does this mean? CHAYE SARA 2006 – GO INTO YOUR LIFE AND TAKE IT WITH YOU If you have ever struggled with the story of the Akeidah, you must not miss this class. Rabbi Paltiel analyzes the pasuk (line), “Avraham was old, he was coming in the days”. One focus…

Chayey Sara 23:17~20 – Purchase of the field and the cave (5774/2013)

The purchase of the field and cave for Sara’s burial is called ‘Kima’ (it rose up) and it is repeated twice. This class explores the significance of this, ending with a Sicha that reveals the depth of the separation of the former owner from this land, even as a former owner.

Chayey Sara 23:09 – Mearas HaMachpeila ~ A Cave of Many Layers

The Mearas HaMachpeila. CHAYE SARA 2005 – A CAVE OF MANY LAYERSThe double cave where the parents (of the world) are interred. It’s deeper meaning. What is the importance of the Mearas HaMachpelah (the Cave of Machpelah)? The build up to the Chassidic interpretation includes many commentators: Rashi, Eben Ezra, Rashbam, Ramban, Rikanti, and more….

Chayey Sara 23:01 – Life of Sara

The first Possuk in the Parsha. CHAYE SARA 2006 – THE LIFE OF SARA The class continues this year’s theme of analyzing the first pasuk (line) of the parsha. Rabbi Paltiel draws on Rashi, Ramban, Rashbam, Baal HaTurim, Abarbanel, Alshich, and a ma’amar to address the following three questions: 1. Why is it relevant in…

Chayey Sara – Beginners Class – Overview (1999)

Beginners. CHAYE SARA 1999 – THE PHASES OF AVRAHAM AVINU’S AVODAS HASHEM CLASS. This class from the Maayan Chai series provides an overview of Avraham Avinu’s life – especially in terms of his Avodas Hashem and builds a basis for a better understanding of the Akeidah. This class is accessible to everyone and is a…

Chayey Sara – Overview (5772/2011)

An overview with some observations. Sara passes away, purchase of Mearas HaMachpeila, Yitzchok’s Shidduch. Kitura, The death of Avrohom and Yishmoel.