
360 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Hikavtzu ViShimu – Class 10

This shiur really revisits the very foundations of the present discussion about the Neshama’s ascent from Tehora (Keilim, Garmohi) to Kedusha (Ohr, Chayohi). The class explores 1) Ihu ViChayohi Chad (Ohr’s relationship to Ein Sof), 2) Ihu ViGarmohi Chad (Keilim’s connection to Ein Sof), 3) Ihu ViChayohi ViGarmohi Chad (how the meeting of Ohr and…

354 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Hikavtzu ViShimu – Class 04

Beginning of the second sugia of Yerida Tzorech Aliya: the aliya goes to higher than the Shoresh of the Neshama: from Garmohi, [Tahor, Keilim] to Chayohi, [Kedusha, Ohros]. Discussion about Ain Kadosh KaHavaya, Ein Sof that is both manifest (pnimi) and at the same time removed. Mashal from Taanug (of Hasaga etc.). Page 502-3,. NEW…