10a. LiYehudim Haysa Orah (ליהודים היתה אורה) 5712-1
Class One. This class explores the השכלה in this מאמר. The three worldsבריאה , יצירה, עשי’ה succeed each other, each later world, being lower than the one above it. However to create the physical עשי’ה, requires a strength above all the worlds, represented by the words: אף עשיתיו. He also discusses אצילות כממוצע או [ביתר…
Class 35, Perek 3, Class 5 Tanya (text based)
Chochma. Two parts: 1) acknowledging one’s limit and surrendering to the unknown and transcendent. 2) This opens the person up to the enlightenment, intuition, or light, the flash of Chochma. But the two are based on the quality of the person and his prior preparedness as an intellectual.
להבין ענין הנגעים ה’תשמ”א.
The source of צרעת is בינה without חכמה. Explanation: רצוא without שוב. Example: שבת vs. the weekdays.
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