
Vihaya Midai Chodesh (Chukas) 5744

This Ma’amar is teaching how to learn a Ma’amar. When you don’t understand ask! The Rebbe discusses two Ma’amarim: the Ma’amarim of Rosh Chodesh and Machar Chodesh and for the most part asks but does not answer any of his questions, to teach us how to learn. Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh are opposites yet they…

Zos Chukas 5744.

A Parshas Para Maamar The idea of Avoda before the original sin of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and what was added afterwards. All of Yiddishkeit is about ‘Dira BiTachtonim’. This is the idea behind ‘Zos Chukas HaTorah’ as well as ‘Zos Chukas HaPesach’.

אז ישיר ישראל תשמ”ג

Class One. Digging the well rather than having it been given from above. Class Two. מעין גנים from Hashem. באר מים חיים ונוזלים מן לבנון, from man and the advantage of the latter over the former.

זאת חוקת ה’תשמ”ב.

This is a Parshas Para Ma’amar. Parshas Para is called “חקת התורה” because: 1) It has רצוא ושוב in it, 2) It has the idea of the מדות which motivate our life as Jews, 3) It comes from the שרש ומקור התורה the idea of carved (rather than written) letters אותיות החקיקה. This provides the…

זאת חוקת התורה ה’תשמ”א.

This is a Chukas Ma’amar. חוקת means engraved חקיקה. The מאמר discusses the idea that תורה has two levels: תורה שבכתב ותורה שבעל פה and that the idea of three levels of תורה which are engraved חקיקה written כתיבה and spoken אמירה is what happens when the נשמה comes into this world: it reveals the…

ויקחו אליך פרה אדומה ה’תשמ”א.

(פרשת פרה) Class One. There is a relationship between פרה אדומה and גלות, as it is done outside all three camps, like Galus. It starts at the exit to גן עדן where the one river diverges into four, and it ends with no water at all: Klipa. But there is the possibility for correction. פרה…

זאת חוקת ה’תשי”א.

This is a Parshas Para Ma’amar. Why is Para Aduma Chu-kas HaTorah? The only one Shlomo can’t decipher and that Hashem must reveal to Moshe. Two levels: Level One: Chuka means the norm, the norm is Ratzoi VaShov, each Mitzvah is either Ratzoi or Shov. Para Aduma is both. Level Two: Chuka means Chakika (carved…

Chukas 20:08 – Mei Meriva (5769)

Chukas 20-08. Mei Meriva. (5769).Why and what brought about Moshe’s hitting the rock? And… what was the sin?

Likutei Sichos – Vol 28 p 131 ff – Para Aduma and a prayer for Moshiach

Para Aduma and a prayer for Moshiach. This Sicha explores the RaMbaM’s prayer for Moshiach in the middle of the laws of Para Aduma and explains that there is a Halacha in this. It is law in Tefilla (hinted and not said outright that the time to pray for Moshiach is always.

Chukas 19:02 – Para Aduma (The Red Heifer)(2007)

First Pasuk in the Parsha Series. This is a wonderful shiur on the classic question of why the Para Aduma (the Red Heifer) is considered “the” archetypal chok¹ in the Torah. Rabbi Paltiel quickly and clearly guides the listener through a powerful collection of sources ending with deep insights from Chassidus. Sources include: Rashi (a…