VaYedaber… Bamidbar Sinai 5744.
Introduction, the Torah speaks in the language of man, but behind are deep lessons for all times. The lesson of counting the Yidden. 1) Through Moshe with the power of Hashem, 2) Midbar Sinai- Aliya, 3) Ohel Moed- Hamshacha, 4) Connect a Yid’s Rosh (head) to his Gulgoles- the NaraN to the Chaya Yechida and…
Vayedaber… Bamidbar Sinai 5714.
Class One. Counting the Yidden, Count and higher than count, or: bringing ‘higher than count’ into count. The number 600,000 is constant (A. In Atzilus, B. when Yidden’s Avodah is limited), is enhanced by the increasing and fluctuating higher numbers. Class Two. Questions and Answers. It all amounts to explaining two aspects: 1) counting, 2)…
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