17a. Bisha’a Shehikdimu (בשעה שהקדימו) 5713 – Class One
Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5713, Class One. Introduction: to earn crowns one must do the “Work of Crowns”- what is a Crown in Avoda?1) Infinite light, hidden and beyond due to its infinity2) Silence, which is also above the mind, like it says סיג לחכמה שתיקה silence due to transcendence.
על שלשה דברים העולם עומד ה’תש”מ (Hemshech 3).
Class One. This מאמר is the third in a המשך that discusses the (one two or three) crowns associated with the event of מתן תורה. The question of the number of crowns and who gives them to whom is resolved with the Gemara on the פסוק ברן יחד ככבי בקר ויריעו כל בני אלוקים. All…
Bishaa Shehikdimu Yisroel 5747.
Was it two crowns or three that were given at Har Sinai? A unique insight into this question.
Tzena UrEna 5745.
Another Shavuos Ma’amar. The Crowns: were there one, two, or three of them? Did they come from the Malachim to us or from us to Hashem? The answer: the source of all the Crowns are the Yidden, and they gave them to Hashem, but we need the help of the Malachim and therefore it is…
A Parshas Nasso Ma’amar ה’תשמ”ג (?)
צאינה וראינה ה’תשמ”ב There are three Midrashim regarding crowns and Mattan Torah, in one there is one crown, in another there are two and in the third there are three. These contradictions are resolved in this Ma’amar. They correspond to serving Hashem with Mesiras Nefesh בכל מאודך in each of the three areas of תורה…
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