
23a. Ani Lidodi (אני לדודי) 5712 – Class 1

Class One. This is the first of two classes on this classic Ma’amar, outlining the stages of the davening journey from submission and acceptance, to feeling, reason (of the animal and then divine Souls,) and total Bittul in the Amida.

Toras Menachem – Purim 5718 (02)

Class Two. Page 121-2. A simple Yid who Davened long based on one “ווארט” he heard from the Alter Rebbe שמור וזכור בדיבור אחד: every word should be guarded with the אחד and inspired by it. Lesson: anyone who wants can find a way to Daven as we should (באריכות)

עשרה שיובים ועוסקים בתורה ה’תשמ”ב 3

Class One. More on the advantage of Tefilla over Torah it is the real source of Bittul Of being an Eved. Class Two. Another point regarding Torah study, that in bringing light downward it is fulfilling the divine plan in creation and as such it reaches “Atzmus” Thus placing Torah in as much as it…

עשרה שיושבים ה’תשמ”ב 2

Class One. This class on this Ma’amar repeats and organizes the ideas that show the similarity between Davening and Learning with a Minyan. Class Two. This class focus on the asymmetry of Torah with a Tzibur and Tefilla with a Tzibbur. Davening is more important in terms in reaching up. Torah is more important in…

21. Ani Lidodi 5715.

21a. Ani Lidodi 5715, Class One. Introduction, what is davening? the ‘ladder’ of Davening, Modeh Ani, Pesukei DiZimra, Birchos Krias Shma, Shma and the Amida. 21b. Ani Lidodi 5715, Class Two. Chapter 4. (This is a difficult Shiur). This class explores an assertion made by the Rebbe that davening will never be Hasaga, it will…

Vihaya Ki Savo 5744.

Class One. Bikurim, Teruma and the remaining grain correspond to 1) Yidden, 2) Torah and the world. This Ma’amar assumes the source of Yidden that is higher than Torah and Mitzvos. But to reveal this we need Tefilla, thus in this Ma’amar Bikurim is Tefilla, and as it is done each day three times! Class…