Toras Menachem – Purim 5718 (03)
Class Three. Page 122-3. Ladder of Davening and the עד דלא ידע Davening associated with the עבודה of Purim.
Toras Menachem – 20 Kislev 5717 (05) – Sicha Six (05)
Class Five. Page 283- 5. How and when Krias Shma and Shmone Esrei are certainly DeOraisa.
Toras Menachem – 20 Kislev 5717 (04) – Sicha Six (04)
Class Four. Page 280- 283. Three understandings of what Davening is: 1) Asking when we feel we have a need. 2) When in serious danger. 3) By focusing on how dependant upon Hashem we are. This third level makes Davening a constant DeOraisa obligation.
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses (נתת ליראיך נס להתנוסס) 5711 – Perek Three – 5
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711 (14) – Perek Three (5).Final two classes in the series on avodas birurim (a service of refinement or elevating sparks of Holiness). Excellent intermediate level class accessible to everyone. Applied questions are presented and discussed as well as study directly from the text of the Maamar. Davening is called Birur in…
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses (נתת ליראיך נס להתנוסס) 5711 – Perek Three – 4
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711, Class Thirteen, Perek Three (4).More on Davening (prayer) and Birurim.Hisbonnenus has three types:1) For learning2) Before Prayer3) During PrayerThese are tools for Birur.Length: 33:59
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses (נתת ליראיך נס להתנוסס) 5711 – Perek Three – 3
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711 (12) – Perek Three (3).The Time of Prayer Is A Time of WarA rare intermediate Chassidus series on davening (prayer) that is accessible to English speakers. The series overall addresses the contrast between Avodas Birurim / the service to God of elevating sparks or making refinements in the physical plane…
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