Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020), Class Eight.
Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020), Class Eight.Review of what we did until now.Introduction to Derech Mitzvosecha, overview of the Tzemach Tzedek’s Torah and the Sefer Derech Mitzvosecha specifically.A short discussion on NeHI vs ChaBaD and ChaGaS.
Teshuva Classes 4-6
TESHUVA CLASS FOUR – Ma’amar from The Alter Rebbe in Likutei Torah on Balak – is a classic ma’amar of teshuva. The second Teshuva is ila’a. It’s called עשה טוב to create (Yesod) a connection to the Ein Sof. This Teshuva heals the past.Class Length (31:19) TESHUVA CLASS FIVE Text: Likutei Torah Ma Tovu Chapter…
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 16- 17, Class 74.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 16- 17, Class 74.This class is on the end of Perek 16 and all of Perek 17. The mechanism of prayer (davening) to change the physical world is reviewed in this class with a couple new concepts added (cross reference to earlier classes on Perek 11). The details of the…
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