
Devarim 01:05 – Translating the Torah (5769)

Devarim 01-05. Translating the Torah into 70 languages

Devarim 01:01 – First Possuk (5767/2007)

Devarim 01-01. First Possuk. (5767/ 2007). The Intent of Moshe Rabbeinu’s Final Address.Rabbi Paltiel begins with an introduction to this fifth and final Book of the Chumash. The class then follows with an analysis of the first Possuk (line) of the Parsha. The classic commentaries disagree on the intention underlying Moshe Rabbeinu’s final address to…

Devarim – Bringing Out The Good During Menachem Av (1999)

Moshe Rabbenu gave the Yidden mussar (criticism) in parshas Devarim. Rabbi Paltiel discusses the concept and process of giving mussar in a way that will lead to a good result. He discusses several lessons from the Gemara that enlighten the point. The class also includes an introduction to Chodesh Menachem Av (the month of Menachem…

Devarim 2007 – The Intent of Moshe Rabbenu’s Final Address

Rabbi Paltiel begins with an introduction to this fifth and final Book of the Chumash. The class then follows with an analysis of the first pasuk (line) of the parsha. The classic commentaries disagree on the intention underlying Moshe Rabbenu’s final address to the Jewish people – is he criticizing them or not? Follow the…