18a. Vayedaber Elokim (וידבר גו’ אנוכי) 5713 – Class One
Vayedaber Elokim 5713, Class One.This Ma’amar is (very loosely) related to the two that came before it (in 5713).It’s point is: דיבור the power of speech that is connected to the עצמות, the highest level. That means בלי גבול is reached when things come down until the level of speech, which is a חידוש of…
320 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bisha’a SheHikdimu – Class 05
Page 452 ff. NEW SV p. 595 ff End of the discussion of Dibbur. Malchus is in essence Nivdal, this means, that it’s separate. The Nikudas HaMalchus that goes into BY”A affects Bittul in Briah.
318 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bisha’a SheHikdimu – Class 03
Page 488-9. NEW SV p. 590-91. The Nimshal: Hashem’s speech also has two levels 1) Koach HaDibur, 2) Dibur, and they are both His Dibbur one before the Parsa, the other after the Parsa,
317 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bisha’a SheHikdimu – Class 02
Page 447-8, NEW SV p. 589-90. Speech of human beings is different than any other similar types of communication. It reveals the “hidden” inside the person and isn’t only an external “revelation”.
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