256 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Tiku – Class 03
1) The chidush of “Dira Bitachtonim” will manifest (the difference between) Leasid (when Moshiach and Techiyas Hameisim occur) and Mattan Torah. Both events involved a light from above but one overwhelms an unprepared world and the other qualifies a receiving world. 2) These two are also connected to the two “Shiluvim” of Adna-i and Havaya…
255 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Tiku – Class 02
This effort (elevating the world from itself) is ”Dira BiTachtonim”; It is corroborated by the Midrash ”Bmi Nimlach biNishmoseihen Shel Tzadikim”. It explains the Possuk ”Yonasi” (Neshama) ”bichagvei haSela” (hardness rooted in Tohu- the source of the physical world and Klipa) ”BiSeser HaMadreigos ” (It’s success happens as a total surprise) ”Hareini es Mareich” (It…
Patriarchs (19) – Yaakov’s Two Conditions – Likutei Sichos vol. 15 page 243 ff.
Vayeitze Patriarchs (19) Likutei Sichos vol. 15 page 243 ff. Ya’akov makes two conditions with Hashem and then two promises. This Sicha shows that the requests were for help at serving Hashem to set up the fulfillment of the two promises. Aliyas HaNeshama and Dira BiTachtonim.
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