Hayom Yom – 07 Sivan
Birchas Kohanim, some Minhagim. Dreams, why we pray for them in Birchas Kohanim?
Hayom Yom – 04 Teves
Mavirn the Sedra – To say 2x Mikra and 1x Targum.Story about Reb Michoel Teitelbaum ****************Golus is like sleep. In sleep we surrender our control over our neshama.Good Dreams in which Torah is revealed when the neshama goes on high during sleep. If she is zoche from the good Torah learning during the day, perhaps…
The Tribes (30) – Dreams – Likutei Sichos Vol. 01 page 85 ff / Torah Ohr 28c.
Miketz The Tribes (30) Likutei Sichos vol. 01 page 85 ff. Torah Ohr 28c. Dreams are the illustration of the experience of Exile, thus the story of Galus is punctuated by dreams. A positive lesson: in a dream one can skip steps, nothing is above anyone.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 819~22 – Dreams of Yosef vs Pharoah
Miketz The Tribes (38) Yosef dreams so everyone in his generation dreams. The dreams of the Pharaoh are opposite of Yosef’s. Yosef’s dreams lead to the purpose of the world, while Pharaoh’s simply set that up.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 085 ff / Torah Ohr 28c – Dreams
Miketz The Tribes (30) Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 85 ff / Torah Ohr 28c Dreams are the illustration of the experience of Exile, thus the story of Galus is punctuated by dreams. A positive lesson: in a dream one can skip steps, nothing is above anyone.
Sicha – Miketz – Dreams and Golus (04)
The lesson from dreams: Grab and eat; grab and drink in Ruchniyus. The extra light actually helps wake up from the dream. Page 87-8.
Sicha – Miketz – Dreams and Golus (02)
Dreams, confusion of realities. However this also reveals higher source. It doesn’t discredit one’s work though. Page 85-6.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 085 ff / Torah Ohr 28c – Dreams
Miketz The Tribes (30) Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 85 ff / Torah Ohr 28c Dreams are the illustration of the experience of Exile, thus the story of Galus is punctuated by dreams. A positive lesson: in a dream one can skip steps, nothing is above anyone.
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