Tomchei Tmimim service directly under the Rabeiim (5779/ 2019)
15 Elul A Yeshiva founded for service and Mesiras Nefesh And it’s effectiveness.
43. Ani Lidodi 5732 (1) Muga
אני לדודי ה’תשל”ב 1 מוגה Class One (beginning and the end): The advantage of Bittul and Kabbalas Ol above all else, which is represented in this Ma’amar in the idea that the people CHOSE TO GO OUT AND GREET THE KING IN THE FIELD. Class Two: The advantage of the.. 1) lower Yirah over the…
36. אני לדודי ה’תשל”ט
36 אני לדודי ה’תשל”ט This Ma’amar is quite typical for מאמרי אני לדודי. He says that only special people are in the field to greet the king, but after Teshuva everyone gets to greet the king in field. The grounding on the “King in the Field’ is Torah and Mitzvos behaviorally.
Insights into Tzaddikim
A cross section of ideas about tzaddikim from a concordance covering the Tanach, Shas, and Zohar (Mikhlol Ha-Meamrim ve Ha-Pitgamim) interspersed with stories of the Alter Rebbe and other tzaddikim. MP3
The idea of Slichos (5778/ 2018).
A discussion on the text and basic meaning on the pre-Rosh Hashana Slichos. He wraps Himself in a Talis and says the 13 Middos.
41. אני לדודי ודודי לי ה’תש”מ.
Class One. The basic idea of Elul, the king in the field: the super-rational bond between the King and the people of the field. Class Two. The people of the field and their work there. Different kinds of fields, some require more work and others require less work, and accordingly their way of life and…
Rosh Chodesh and Woman.
The ליקוי that begins with צמצום הראשון and שבירת הכלים דתוהו and then later during the days of creation which is blamed on woman, is reversed on ראש חודש. By the עגל הזהב only the woman refused to partner in it.
54. אני לדודי ה’תשמ”א
Class One. All the people from the city join the people in the field because by going out into the field, when the King returns to the city they go not only into the city but into the palace itself. Class Two. The desert and the people there are certainly also allowed to come into…
38. Ani Lidodi 5726 (Muga)
This Maamar is Muga. First Version (one class). Second Version (in Two Classes) 5780/ 2019 Class One: This class has a long introduction about this Ma’amar and the one from 5732. The question is: Is ודודי לי part of the Avoda of Elul or not? Each Ma’amar gives another answer. How is the King in…
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