
04 Elul Chitas Tanya – Leap Year

Igeres HaKodesh 11 Currently, I learn the daily Tanya with you and I was wondering for today, you mentioned that Li’Haskilcha Bina was probably written to a individual (bc it is a letter) but ion lessons in Tanya it mentions it was written to the community. Was just curious if Lessons in Tanya is just…

Introduction to Elul – Mini Shiur #1

An inspirational nugget to set the tone for Rosh Chodesh Elul. The mini shiur discusses the Chassidus of a key pasuk from “L’David Hashem Ori” that gives insight into the potential of this special time of year.¹ 1. “L’David Hashem Ori” is an extra tehilla (psalm) that is added to the order of davening (prayers)…

5 Different Views of Elul – Mini Shiur #2

A quick summary of five roshei teivos (acronyms) for the month of Elul. This is an intermediate to advanced mini-shiur.

Love Versus Fear – Mini Shiur #3

A short talk that will take your Rosh Hashana to a new level. Ideas that can transform your heart.