
The Baal Shem Tov. His life and legacy. (5772/2011) Lecture 06

This is a new series that will IY”H review all of the details known about the Rabbeiim. Given at Chovevei Torah. Lecture Six. 1) The three great codifiers of kabbala: Reb Meir ben Gabbai (Avodas Hakodesh), The Ramak (Pardes Rimonim and more), and The Arizal (Eitz Chayim, Shmone’ Sheurim etc.). The use of Kabala Maasis….

The Baal Shem Tov. His life and legacy. (5772/2011) Lecture 05

This is a new series that will IY”H review all of the details known about the Rabbeiim. Given at Chovevei Torah. Lecture Five. The history of Kabbala, Moshe, the Neviim, Anshei Kneses Hagedola(‘s shift to a center of Halacha and Nigla), RaShBi, the later trickle of Kabbala, Rediscovery of the Zohar, the arguments over her…

The Baal Shem Tov. His life and legacy. (5772/2011) Lecture 04

This is a new series that will IY”H review all of the details known about the Rabbeiim. Given at Chovevei Torah. Lecture Four. The Baal Shem tov’s meeting his master Achiya HaShiloni, they learn for exactly ten years and the Baal Shem Tov is then forced to reveal himself.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 11

Class Eleven, Chabad (2) Torah in ChaBaD vs. ChaGaS. internal vs. external fire.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 15

Class Fifteen. The year 5552. The Kitrug, Shavuos, Devorah Leah and her sacrifice. Rosh Hashana 5553, The Levaya and the Tzemach Tzedek.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 14

Class Fourteen. 5542-3: The meeting and Vohlin. The Alter Rebbe is severely criticized by his fellow Talmidei HaMaggid and is deeply hurt by it. He reacts by doing more to spread Chassidus. Reb Levi Yitzchok Barditchiver’s story. His ouster from Pinsk. The visit to the Alter Rebbe , His refusal to participate in the Cherem….

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 13

Class Thirteen, Chabad (4). This class is missing, sorry.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 12

A series of classes on the life of the Alter Rebbe given at Yeshivas Chovevai Torah, beginning in Adar 5773/2013. Class Twelve, Chabad (3). More on ChaBaD and Poilin. Shirayim Shalom, Torah difference.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 10

Class Ten, Chabad (1) This class introduces our discussion of what ChaBaD Chassidus is. It is the idea of Chassidus in a Pnimyus (internalized way).

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 09

Class Nine. The Alter Rebbe returns from his effort at going to Eretz Yisroel, resettles in Liozna. The Chadurim and the Takanos Liozna.