Class Forty Six in Section Five of אמת Hashem is Truth
אמת (part 6). 1) Continuation and conclusion from last class: how אמת is among the י”ג מדות הרחמים. 2) אמת isn’t only כמות (that it lasts forever) but איכות there is an absolutism in each point (in time space and form).
Class Forty Five in Section Five of אמת Hashem is Truth
אמת (part 5). The meaning of ואמת being the center of the 13 מדות הרחמים is that it is how the essence appears as a מדה in מדה”ר. This is explained by usimg תפארת as a model in the עשר ספירות of השתלשלות that it is how אין סוף appears among the ספירות. The same…
Class Forty Four in Section Five of אמת Hashem is Truth
אמת (part 4). The משלים for אור אין סוף First: חיות הנפש which is a משל for ממלא כל עלמין because the כלי and the אור are both detailed and adopted. Second: אור השמש which is a משל for סובב כל עלמין because the כלי has adaptations in applying the אור to itself, but the…
Class Forty Three in Section Five of אמת Hashem is Truth
אמת (part 3). Inside. The “Hair” of the 13 Middos HaRachamim, with the exception of the middle one: ואמת which is the face itself.
Class Forty Two in Section Five of אמת Hashem is Truth
אמת (part 2). The idea of הארה דהארה is introduced to explain שערות. שערות are introduced to explain י”ג מדות הרחמים and their connection to the י”ג תיקוני דיקנא. there are two ideas of שערות as הארה דהארה: A. at the end of השתלשלות light is separated and becomes קליפה because it is so little….
Class Forty One in Section Five of אמת Hashem is Truth
אמת (part 1). Introduction to “אמת”. The human quest for truth and that knowing the truth and knowing truthfully are entirely different things. Some stories enlighten this class.
Class 41, Perek 3, Class 11. Tanya (text based)
מדות חג”ת נה”י והחושים. This Perek addresses all ten כחות, but he only explains the three מוחין חב”ד. The seven emotions חג”ת נהי”ם and the five חושים which are ראי’, שמיעה, ריח, טעם, מישוש. We will attempt to explain all these things over the next several classes. In general the emotions in קבלה are only…
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