
Likutei Sichos – Vol 17 p 255 ff – Tzedaka

Likutei Sichos – Vol 17 p. 255 ff.This is a RaShI Sicha. The mention of Tzedaka right in the middle of the Moadim (in Parshas Emor) teaches us about the perfect Tzedaka, which keeps a person alive (not for luxuries) that is given as unconditionally as are Korbanos.

Emor 24:10 until the end of the Parsha – Mikalel and Aftermath (Yeshiva Achei 5781/2021)

Emor 24-10 until the end of the Parsha, Mikalel and aftermath (Yeshiva Achei 5781 (2021)).Mikalel is followed up by a brief review of the Halachos Of Adam and Mamon HaMazik from Mishpatim; the question is why?A radical idea is proposed: there are five Chumashim, each with with a different basic message. [1. Tzadikim Mesiras Nefesh,…

Emor – The Kehuna teaches that Torah doesn’t believe in parity (Yeshiva 5780)

Emor (Yeshiva 5780) The Kehuna teaches that Torah doesn’t believe in parity.The same old story: it’s not fair; why you and not me?The Torah teaches that we are different and have different roles.The “logic” behind this “lack of fairness” is what it motivates and inspires.Parity engenders mediocrity. There are many הבדלות (absolute boundaries) that Hashem…

Vinikdashti 5747.

Kidush Hashem in the everyday: Toraso UmNaso. There are two levels in this itself.

Emor 22:32 – Mesiras Nefesh al Kidush Hashem (5766)

Mesiras Nefesh al Kidush Hashem (5766).This class addresses the mitzva of Kiddush Hashem – sanctification of G-d’s name. This class is a must for those who love Rambam. Plus several exciting insights from Chassidus (references to follow).

Emor 21:17 – A Ba’al Mum (5765/2005)

A Ba’al Mum, an invalid is not allowed to do the Avodah in the Beis HaMikdash.

Emor 21:03 – ViLaachoso HaBisula (5773/2013)

Emor 21-03.ViLaachoso HaBisula (5773/2013).The dinim of Khuna that prohibit a Kohein from becoming Tamai (spiritual contamination) has seven exceptions: Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, wife, brother and… (in a separate Posuk) sister. Why is the sister in a separate Posuk and why are there three different rules that narrow what kind of sister one is permirtted…

44. ונקדשתי בתוך בני ישראל ה’תשכ”ה (Muga)

Two versions of this מאמר exist: 1) There are three levels of קדושה, two are available to us and the third is not. If we are to reach it, we must become בטל. They are: תפלה, תורה, מצות. 2) We can reach the third level of קדושה as well. They are תורה, מצות, and תשובה….