04b. Ki Tisa (כי תשא) – 5711, Class Two.
04b. Ki Tisa (כי תשא) – 5711, Class Two. In this class we learn about the need for Moshe Rabbeinu: Every Jew has in his Neshama Emuna but it can be makif, like the thief who prays that Hashem grants him success at theft. The internalization of faith, comes from Moshe who because of his…
04a. Ki Tisa (כי תשא) – 5711, Class One.
04a. Ki Tisa (כי תשא) – 5711, Class One. Emuna is discussed in this class. The Ma’amar explains that a Goy has Emuna only on the level of Mimalei Kol Almin. He explains that even on this level there is a difference between Knowledge and Emuna. By Yidden there are three levels of Emuna: 1)…
Toras Menachem – Beshalach 12 Shvat 5714 (03) Second Sicha (03)
Class Three. Page 57-9. More on Parnassa and Emuna.
Ki Tisa 5711.
Class One. Emuna is discussed in this class. The Ma’amar explains that a Goy has Emuna only on the level of Mimalei Kol Almin. He explains that even on this level there is a difference between Knowledge and Emuna. By Yidden there are three levels of Emuna: 1) From Mimalei, (here also the Yid’s Emuna…
Sicha Pesach – Pesach on Shabbos (05)
Likutei Sichos Vol 07 p 48 ff Conclusion. The faith quality of the Rebbe’s argument is something that challenges us to contemplate faith and aspire to achieve it. Page 52-3.
בסוכות תשבו ה’תש”ם.
This class discusses אמונה which is מקיף and how we affect התישבות in this מקיף as the פסוק says בסוכות תשבו.
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