Note 4. Lehavin Ma SheKasuv BiPri Eitz Chayim Class 5 Tanya Lectures – Kuntress Acharon
Angels and Souls. As we finish our discussion of this text (Lehavin Ma Shekasuv BiPri Eitz Chayim) we explore what Souls are; in light of the G-dliness of Davening, Torah, and Mitzvos. This discussion juxtaposes the Soul against Malachim (angels) who appear closer to G-d and G-dliness but are in fact limited absolutely. Souls on…
Note 4. Lehavin Ma SheKasuv BiPri Eitz Chayim Class 4 Tanya Lectures – Kuntress Acharon
Mitzvos. After discussing Tefilla and Torah in the previous classes this class explores the ideas of Mitzvos. 1) Mitzvos are associated with the vessels, and as such have within themselves “the Essence”, 2) Since Mitzvos have a connection to the physical world, they interact with things that are in and of themselves not holy. The…
Note 4. Lehavin Ma SheKasuv BiPri Eitz Chayim Class 3 Tanya Lectures – Kuntress Acharon
Torah is “From the top down” and is therefore perfect even as it is limited in this world. The difference between Chochmas Chitzoniyus (Secular Knowledge) and Torah. The Ohr Neshama is limited, but G-dly, and Torah (Chochma Ilaa) passes through it Bderech Maavir, while other Chochmos pass through Ohr Nefesh and Ruach, that are creations…
Note 4. Lehavin Ma SheKasuv BiPri Eitz Chayim Class 2 Tanya Lectures – Kuntress Acharon
Tefilla. How we understand Davening in Kabalah. Two ideas: A. The Prayer that comes from the Essence of the person defies the order of worlds and has a changing effect that is visible even in the physical level. B. The reasonable prayer is very personal but (as a rule) can only be hasagas haMetzius (Seeing…
Note 4. Lehavin Ma SheKasuv BiPri Eitz Chayim Class 1 Tanya Lectures – Kuntress Acharon
Introduction to this essay “Lehavin Ma Shekasuv biPri Eitz Chayim”. This essay will compare and contrast the mystical (and Chassidic) effects of our 1) Tefilla, 2) Mitzvos and 3) Torah study. The three will be thoroughly analyzed and the strengths and limitations of each will be explored. During the course of this essay we will…
Class 02b
NOTES (given in the second cycle of learning Tanya. They are being included here also because they are necessary).
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