BeHar 25:42, 25:55 – Avadai Haim (Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)
BeHar 25- 42; 55 Avadai Haim (Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).Explaining why it is brought up twice in this Parsha, to explain why the Eved Ivri goes out by Yovel; we belong to Him First שטרי קודם.The Sforno explains that it is being said to the Yid who sold himself, he is given freedom not because…
ViaAile HaMishpatim 5714.
Class One. This class explains the levels of 1) Eved Knaani, 2) Eved Ivri, 3) Ama HaIvria. We begin by explaining ‘Teva’- nature and explaining that nature is neither good nor bad it is ‘natural’. Dealing with the evil of one’s nature and not giving in to it is the realm of the Eved Kna’ani….
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