
From Exile to Redemption (122) – Miracle vs Divine Revelation (01)

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (122)(01) Likutei Sichos vol. 02 page 519-520. Class One, Introduction: The difference between a miracle and a divine revelation. There were many miracles associated with Yetzias Mitzrayim but few divine revelations. These revelations were stage setters for the “breaking of the divide” between “Higher and lower” that would take place at…

Exile and Redemption: Class One Hundred Twenty Three – Krias Yam Suf (01) – Excerpts from the Ma’amar Vihanif 5711

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (123)(01) Excerpt from Ma’amar Vihanif 5711 Class One: The idea of Krias Yam Suf to bring together opposites. Bridging the divide “גזירה” that separated the high and the low and having them converge. Krias Yam Suf gave a Koach for that.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 21 p 077 ff – Moshe and Amalaik (03)

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (138)(03) Likutei Sichos vol 21 page 77 ff. Class Three.The lesson: having Mesiras Nefesh even for “the worst Jew”.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 046 ff – Makkas Choshech (01)

Bo Exile and Redemption (105) Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 46 ff מכת חושך is compared to Golus as it relates the Yidden (as we’ll see in the next class on this Sicha) accordingly we discuss how this מכה was a Golus (of sorts) for the Egyptians.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 034 ff – Makka of Blood (02)

Vaeira Exile and Redemption (093) Class Two. Blood still advances over the week, as its education is completed not only over the course of the week it afflicted Egypt, but even the three weeks between plagues was a part of the education.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 034 ff – Makka of Blood (01)

Vaeira Exile and Redemption (092) Class One. The plague of blood was static- being fully manifest from the first moment and not advancing over the course of the week it lasted. Still at week’s end it was completed- why? We’ll continue next time.

Exile and Redemption (135) – The Chumash: “Manna must be saved to remember” (01)

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (135)(01) Sefer Shemos [There are no Sichos available so we are learning these ideas straight from the Chumash].The Manna was eaten for 40 years, it wasn’t exactly 40 but it was…A bit of a description of what the Manna was like. Imagine knowing that on this day the miracle of Manna…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 21 p 077 ff – The struggle between a Mitzvah that is passing and one that is coming (02)

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (128)(02) Likutei Sichos vol. 21 Page 77 ff. Class Two. Answer: there are two holy drives, to collect wealth (which was the current and passing Mitzvah מצוה עוברת) and to go to Har Sinai which is the future. There needs be the tension and conflict, where Moshe pulls and the Yidden…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 21 p 077 ff – The struggle between a Mitzvah that is passing and one that is coming (01)

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (128)(01) Likutei Sichos vol. 21 Page 77 ff. Class One. The question: Why are the Yidden insisting in remaining at the Yam Suf and collecting wealth, when Moshe is pushing them (away) towards Sinai? Likutei Sichos vol. 21 Page 77 ff.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 21 p 055 – Four Events of Revelation of Hashem (02)

Bo Exile and Redemption (113)(02) Class Two: Inside.When the night is halved: why did Makkas Bechoros (the plague of the firstborn) have to be at midnight.Because only Hashem can divide the time so precisely and this plague needed to come directly from Him.