
What Makes A Gathering A Fabrengen?

Are there any requirements?

Farbrengen 19 Kislev 5781/ 2020 (Beis Rivkah Seminary): The Ba’al Shem Tov showed what and the Alter Rebbe taught how.

The precious stone at the base of the King’s crown was Hashem’s gift to the Ba’al Shem Tov who (very generously) gifted it to all of us.His disciples had the task of creating “the packaging” for the ingestion and sustaining of Chassidus.The Alter Rebbe chose the Chabad Package.It is no wonder that a revelation of…

Given over Zoom at Chabad of New Orleans (5781/ 2020).

Given over Zoom at Chabad of New Orleans (5781/ 2020).1) The Ba’al Shem Tov taught the “what” of Chassidus.2) The Alter Rebbe provided the “how”What is unique about Chabad?

Given over Zoom at Chabad of New Orleans (5781/ 2020).

Given over Zoom at Chabad of New Orleans (5781/ 2020).1) The Ba’al Shem Tov taught the “what” of Chassidus.2) The Alter Rebbe provided the “how.”What is unique about Chabad?

Stories about The Rebbe – Class 4

Farbrengen “The Rebbe’s Koach” (5774).

Rosh Chodesh Kislev Farbrengen (5780/ 2019 Chicago); Part One.

Rosh Chodesh Kislev Farbrengen (5780/ 2019 Chicago); Part One: Bikur Chicago revisited, some stories about the visit, commemorating the English publishing of the details of that visit.

The gift of a Rebbe

A gift to the Rebbe, by understanding the gift OF the Rebbe.

For י”א ניסן ה’תשע”ח.

Farbrengen with thought on the קפיטל at the end. 1) Tuesday twice כי טוב like Friday the day the Rebbe was born. Changing the paradigm Chassidus begins with helping others. Two levels of Mesiras Nefesh: 1) To give ourselves to G-d. 2) To give ourselves to G-d’s cause.

Farbrengen for 3 Tamuz 5777/ 2017, Springfield Ma. Talk one.

Springfield Ma. Talk one. This “official talk addresses the action theme of the Rebbe’s philosophy and some stories from the Rebbe’s early life.

Farbrengen 3 Tamuz 5776/ 2016 Class One

Part One. Yom HaGadol VihaKadosh Part Two. אמונה שיש לו סיבה ואמונה שאין לו סיבה Part Three The point of ואתה תצוה is ויקחו אליך.