
Toras Menachem – 19 Kislev 5715 (11) – Sicha Twelve

Class Eleven. The centrality of the Farbrengen time in people’s lives, though it is only a small percentage of all that they do.

Farbrengen 5 Teves (5772/2011).

The Rabeiim’s Libraries, an overview (5772/2011).

Farbrengen 5776/2015

Siyum of Tanya and Sicha (19 Kislev 5730) about Shabbos

Farbrengen (5775/2014)

Getting the light requires a pure vessel. The four principles of Chassidus 1) waking us from a faint, 2) being extra frum, 3) Refining character, 4) intellectually understanding Godliness. and what they represent, in Chassidus calling to us or us reaching to Chassidus.

Farbrengen, Chassidus is Ohr (light) and Iskafia (work) (5774/2014).

A Farbrengen built around a story of reb Hilel Partcher and reb Itcha Der Masmid.

Farbrengen 5770.

Part 1. Farbrengen. Part 2. The Tanya. Part 3. 21 KISLEV, Connecting 19 KISLEV to the rest of the year.


A CHASSIDSHE MONTH – KISLEV! CLASSES In Kislev we should remember and focus on the joy of Yiddishkeit. This class is full of Chassidishe stories on the theme of “What is Chassidus” to start the month with warmth and inspiration. There is some material on Rosh Chodesh Kislev but this is really a broad discussion…

Farbrengen 5776.

Hakhail year. Part one. Introduction, story lesson and blessings. Part Two. Hakhail, a creation of the Rebbe straight from the times of the Bais HaMikdash. children Yiras Hashem, like Har Sinai. An entire year. Part Three. Sukkos provides the basis for two big ideas that we need always: joy and Unity. Joy and especially (the…