
Likutei Amarim – Beinonim – Class 01

This class moves right into studying the Shaar Blaat (Title Page), Haskomos (Approbations), and Hakdama (Introduction) to the Tanya. Some of the topics covered include: why Haskamas were written, the practical function of Haskamas, who wrote them, and stories associated with this period in Chabad history. Rabbi Paltiel explains his view on the role of…

Class #2

on Iggeres HaTeshuvah – Chapters 4 to 6 are covered. Full description coming soon.


The prayer in the Rosh Hashana davening that describes Hashem’s judgment most graphically. A commentary.

Monday 29 Tishrei 5773, October 15 2012.

Ata Kadosh… Lidor VaDor Hamlichu… U’Vchein.. HaMelech Hakadosh. Ata Kadosh with the four UVicheins as said on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. It is all about ‘Binyan HaMalchus’ or ‘Crowning Him as a King’. This class has a long introduction explaining the ‘Soul’ of the Yomim Noraim as days we connect with (‘and Crown’) Hashem…

Atta Vichartanu.

Atta Vichartanu, Hashem’s choice in His nation is especially important on Yom Tov, as we fix and sanctify the holidays. Three introductory ideas: 1) Choice, 2) love, 3) will and what they relate to (the three Regalim) and what they mean. Four blessings: 1) Language, 2) Mitzvos, 3) Avoda, inner connection, 4) The name of…

Monday 22 Menachem Av 5773/ July 29 2013.

Bnei Heichala. This (fourth of four classes on the Pizmonim of Shabbos) discusses the time of Mincha of Shabbos and the lofty light that is available then. It is a time of ‘Kisufin’, wanting what can never be truly had; and ‘eis ratzon’ an Auspicious time but from G’vura as opposed to from Chesed. We…

Monday 15 Menachem Av 5773/ July 22 2013.

Asader Lisudasa. The second of the three pizmonim of Shabbos, deals exclusively with holiness, as by this point of Shabbos that is all there is. In the holiness itself there is a need to create a vessel (or chariot) in two ways: 1) set a table and 2) say Torah ideas to bring forward the…

Monday 22 Menachem Av 5773/ July 29 2013.

Bnei Heichala. This (fourth of four classes on the Pizmonim of Shabbos) discusses the time of Mincha of Shabbos and the lofty light that is available then. It is a time of ‘Kisufin’, wanting what can never be truly had; and ‘eis ratzon’ an Auspicious time but from G’vura as opposed to from Chesed, we…

Monday 15 Menachem Av 5773/ July 22 2013.

Asader Lisudasa. The second of the three pizmonim of Shabbos, deals exclusively with holiness, as by this point of Shabbos that is all there is. In the holiness itself there is a need to create a vessel (or chariot) in two ways: 1) set a table and 2) say Torah ideas to bring forward the…

Monday 1 Menachem Av 5773/ July 8 2013.

Azamer Bishvuchin This (the second of four classes on the ARiZaL’s pizmonim for Shabbos) studies the Friday night Pizmon Azamer Bishvuchin. It divides it into five parts: 1) going out of the week, darkness and entanglement, 2) Preparing to bring in Shabbos, 3) On Shabbos itself: setting the table, 4) Receiving the Godliness of Shabbos…