Tanya Lectures (59) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 52-53
Chapters 52-53. Every world has (these) levels: 1. Torah and Mitzvos- Brain; 2. Shechina rests in Beis Hamikdash; 3. Radiates to the whole world 4. LUCHOS manifest directly in the physical world (NOT in the higher ones).
Tanya Lectures (58) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 51-53
Chapters 51-53. Torah and Mitzvos- are the brain that allows Shechina to rest in Malchus- the Beis Hamikdash.
Tanya Lectures (57) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 51-53
Chapters 51-53. Torah and Mitzvos are vehicle to reveal Schechina down here. analogy of the Soul manifesting in the body via the head and brain. Note: Lessons 57-60 (chapters 51-3) end the Beinonim section with the discussion of the Beis HaMikdash and the manifesting of the Shechina.
Tanya Lectures (56) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 50
Chapter 50. Love that exceeds all one’s natural limits: Love of fire that goes beyond (love of) water. Avoda of Leviim. 2. Shuv must follow every Ratzui.
Tanya Lectures (55) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 48-49
Chapter 48-9. Avoda (practical) lesson from the mystical concept of Tzimtzum. Squeeze yourself in your commitment to Hashem. Birchos Krias Shma- their meaning.
Tanya Lectures (54) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 48-49
Chapter 48-9. Mystical discussion. The meaning of the first Tzimtzum (Siluk- complete departure); and the later Tzimtzumim (Mi’ut- the light isn’t removed, only diminished). G-D (in an allegorical sense) squeezes Himself so there could be a world (us, our egos etc).
Tanya Lectures (53) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 46-47
Chapter 46-7. The incredibly timeless message of our exodus. Yetzias Mitzrayim lays at the heart of Jewish people’s most important prayers because the exodus is current! The upcoming holiday of Pesach is the proper time to explore chapter 47.
Tanya Lectures (52) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 46 48 49
Chapter 46, 48-9. Love for G-d out of gratitude. He has favored us not because of our own worthiness (at all). The less deserving we are the more we should feel indebted to Him. Note: Lessons 42-6 (chapters 46-50) deal with love a gratitude, Kamayim HaPanim LiPanim. Ch. 50 addresses Love from strength.
Tanya Lectures (51) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 45
Chapter 45. A relationship with G-D based on the third primary emotion: TIFERES (beauty, compassion). Having mercy on one’s soul; Real unity with Him.
Tanya Lectures (50) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 44
Chapter 44. (Though love and fear of G-D are usually very personal and individual, there are) Two universal love and fears (equal in all people). 1. He’s my life, 2. He’s my Father (essence). The idea of knowing Him intellectually.
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