
Tanya Lectures (10) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 09

Chapter 9. WAR between G-Dly and Animal Souls. Each wants total victory. Mind vs. Heart.

Tanya Lectures (09) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 08

Interplay between the two souls: Man vs. Animal; Order vs. Infinity; Yosher vs. Igul; Gadlus vs. Katnus.

Tanya Lectures (08) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 07-08

Chapters 7,8. Klipas noga vs. severe Klipos. Where intent makes a difference and where it does not. Gehinom, Chibut hakever, Kaf Hakela.

Tanya Lectures (07) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 06

Chapter 6. Animal Soul, It’s Essence (NATURE that can’t be changed), Kochos (attributes), Garments (tools of expression).

Tanya Lectures (06) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 04-05

Chapters 4,5. Why a jew (who is G-Dliness) needs Judaism for his (revealed) connection to his Creator.

Tanya Lectures (05) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 02 03 04

Chapter 2,3,4. The soul’s structure: Essence (Wants what’s beyond, altruistic), Kochos (attributes), Garments (tools for expression).

Tanya Lectures (04) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 01

Chapter one (end). The Alter Rebbe introduces us to the two souls and forces in the world. G-Dly (ideal) and animal (subjective, selfish).

Tanya Lectures (02) – Likutei Amarim – Introduction

The Possuk on which the Tanya is based :Ki karov ailecha…biFicha uvilVovecha laAsoso. How is practical Yiddishkeit considered “near”? a context.

Tanya Lectures (01) – Likutei Amarim – Introduction

Introduction. History and explanation.

Class Two

3. Kunteres Acharon 5-9. Essay 5 is some more notes of a very abstract nature (connected pretty directly to the previous essay). It deals with the mystical value of studying halachos that don’t never have nor ever will be of practical worth. He explains that all Torah effects a birur at least on high. Essay…