Class One
This class has three separate audio files. a. Introduction, b. Essay, c. Notes. 2. Kunteres Acharon 4. Lehavin Ma Shekasuv biPri Etz Chayim. Introduction. Essay. Notes. This essay may be the most difficult section in all of the Tanya. Its form is very mystical. It addresses first of all the effects of prayer. Then begins…
Class 14
14. Letter 31-32. 1.Kunteres Acharon 1-3. Letter 31 deals with the concept of illness mystically and explains the notion of ailment “on high”. Letter 32 deals with tzedaka. The masculine and feminine levels of giving. K. Acharon 1-3 are notes on Tanya (section 1) chapter 40. They address the importance of doing physical acts of…
Class 13
13. Letter 29-30. Letter 29 explains the concept of halachos; why they are considered the crown of Torah. He explains that Mitzvos are Ratzon (from Sovev) and can therefore be a vessel to hold the Ein Sof Taanug (delight which is the highest idea of Sovev).
Class 12
12. Letter 27-28. Letter 27 and 28 both deal with the issue of histalkus (passing) of a Tzadik. The difference is that Letter 27 deals with the histalkus of a Rebbe (Neshama Klalis) while 28 deals with the histalkus of a Tzadik. The contents of the respective letters reflect this. Letter 27 was written to…
Class 11
11. Letter 26. Letter 26 deals with the idea of “Pnimiyus HaTorah” being from “Eitz HaChayim” that is higher than “Eitz HaDaas”. It is beyond birurim. Included in this letter is the idea of the need to learn Pnimiyus HaTorah as a taste of the teachings of Moshiach.
Class 10
Letter 25. Letter twenty five gives an approach to managing anger based on the deepest concept of the unity of G-D (with His world).
Class 09
Letters 21-24. Letter 21 deals with ZERIZUS (alacrity) in Yiddishkeit (which we can learn from Avrohom Avinu), and its lesson in giving Tzedaka often (even if in smaller increments). Letter 22a deals with the idea that only an actual Navi can help people with their material needs, while a Chochom (Rabbi) can only help them…
Class 08
The audio of this class was split into two parts. Introduction to Letter 20 . Actual content of Letter 20. Letter 20 is the classic discussion of the Alter Rebbe explaining that ”Yesh Meayin” (ex nihilo) comes directly from His very essence. There are two parts: 1. The power of the Ein Sof is in…
Class 07
7. Letters 17-19. Letter 17 deals with Tzedaka and its rewards now and (the principal remains) in Olom Habba. Letter 18 deals with different levels of LOVE for Hashem. Letter 19 deals with the difference between actual prophets and spiritual seers (like RASH”BI). Letter 19b discusses 3 levels in letters of thought.
Class 06
The audio of this class was split into two parts. 6a. Letters 15-16 introduction. 6b. Letters 15-16. Letter 15 is a classic commentary explaining the SEFIROS using kochos hanefesh (faculties of the human being) as the analogy. There is an important introduction about how far apart the mashal is from the nimshal. Letter 16 deals…
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