Class 05
5. Letters 12-14. Letters 12 and 13 deal with concepts of (spiritual UNITY and) peace. TZEDAKA affects this peace. Letter 14 deals with the concept of time. 1. It’s a creation 2. has units. 3. Including the cycle of a year (renewed each Rosh Hashana). This is especially relevant in the Holy Land and Tzedaka…
Class 04
Letters 9-11 Letter 9 deals with being consistent in our physical and spiritual (faith) lives. Letter 10 deals with constrained (Tzadik’s) vs. unlimited (Baal Teshuva’s) YIDDISHKEIT. Letter 11 deals with TRUE TRUST in Hashem. ”No evil can descend from Heaven”.
Class 03
3. letters 6-8. Letter 6 deals with 2 levels in rachamim (compassion). Letter 7 deals with the idea that each Yid has a ”Chelek” (portion in Yiddishkeit that is devided into 613 (limbs). Letter 8 deals with the idea that the creative power of (that is) Ein Sof is in the (lowest Level) the earth….
Class 02
2. Letters 3-5 Letter 3 deals with Tzedaka as a shield of armor and helmet of steel. Letter four deals with Tzedaka. Inner and outer heart, Redemption. Letter five deals with Yud (spirit) creating higher worlds and Hey (material) creating this world. This explains why Torah isn’t sufficient. There must also be action- Tzedaka.
Class 01
1. Letters 1-2. Letter One deals with Halacha that strengthens Emuna. The importance of Davening. Letter Two (written after the Alter Rebbe’s release from prison) deals with being humble in the face of such divine grace.
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