Monday 23 Tammuz 5713/ July 1, 2013.
Introduction to the Pizmonim of Shabbos. This class introduces the three Pizmonim of the ARiZaL that were composed for the Shabbos meals. In this class we discuss 1) why the ARiZaL included his name in each of the pizmonim, 2) the three stages of rest on Shabbos and how this reflects itself (in part) in…
Monday 25 Menachem Av 5772/ August 13 2012.
Yisimechu BiMalchuscha…. Shabbos. The prayer said on Friday night and Shacharis and Musaf (but not at Mincha) linking Shabbos with Joy. Why does it have so many versions and why is it not recited always, and why are there so many opinions about its times of recitation. Joy is lower than delight, and Shabbos is…
Monday 15 Adar, 5733, February 25 2013.
Ata Kidashta. Ata Kidashata: The beginning of the middle Bracha of the Friday night Davening. Why Shabbos (and Yom Tov) has seven Blessings (rather than nineteen); It begins with Kidusha, like betrothal- formal Marriage that will deepen over Shabbos; the ‘Tachlis’ of all of creation is A. To reward man, B. To bring God down;…
Kigavna. (5772/2012).
The Zoharic section added (relatively recently) to the Kabbalas Shabbos at the expense of Bame’ Madlikin. This class involves a long introduction to all of Kabbalas Shabbos. Kigavna, on Shabbos the lower worlds mirror the Unity and peace that exists (always) in the higher world. On Shabbos the lower and higher worlds A. Mirror each…
Monday 12 Kislev 5773/ November 26 2012.
The Six Psalms of Kabbalas Shabbos (Lichu Niranina through Mizmor Lidovid). The first six Perakim of Kabalas Shabbos correspond to the six days of the week (among other things) this is an overview and commentary on a part of Siddur which was first initiated in the last four hundred and fifty years.
Monday 8 Adar, 5773, February 18 2013.
Shma Kolainu (2). Shma Kolainu inside. Two introductions: 1) What is the meaning of the word Tefilla, to connect. 2) Shma in Hashem means that He should pay specific attention. Two levels of this prayer were explained and both were read inside: 1) As a request for things, 2) As a request for a connection…
Monday 1 Adar, 5773, February 11 2013.
Shma Kolainu (1). Shma Kolainu, is about Hashem accepting and helping us connect to Him, spiritually, in Prayer. So many variations in Nusach exist. Beginning with the question of why it says twice “ki” (because), and the question of mentioning that Hashem is our Father, to much else. In this class, this blessing is divided…
Monday 27 MarCheshvan 5773, November 12 2012.
ViLiyerushalayim ViLiyirushalayim, there are so many versions and meanings to this Bracha it is extraordinary. 1) RaSaG, 2) R. Amram gaon, 3) r. Noson Gaon, 4) Machzor Vitri, 5) Ri ben Yakar, 6) Rokeach, 7) Abudraham. First an overview and commentary on what separates the different readings and meanings and then an attempt at unraveling…
Monday 29 Menachem Av 5773/ August 5 2013. (2 Classes)
Bareich Aleinu Class One. The ninth Bracha of Shmona Esrei. It seems that the Brachos after this one are collective (for the Klal Yisroel) and this is the last of the requests that are for us as individuals. The Bracha (on Parnassa) focuses on the blessing in the time, how certain times are blessed and…
Refuainu (the eighth Bracha of the Amida) (5772/2012).
Healing has many levels. This class explores this a little bit.
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