03. Kinesher Yair Kino 5738
Kinesher Yair Kino 5738, Class One.This is a המשך to the two Ma’amarim before it.All three share the presumption that Jews are on a very high level and still have much to do to the extent that it is a big “רחמנות” on them; meaning compared to where they should be the situation they’re in…
Ha’azinu – The Story of the History of the World through the Divine Prism (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020)
Ha’azinu, the story of the history of the world through the divine prism (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).Ha’azinu is a deeply mysterious and powerful part of the Torah – Ha’azinu lays out the history of the Jewish people. The Sages refer to it as one of the “songs” of the Torah. The parsha says, Hashem exists and…
Nitzovim- Vayelech – How many times is Moshe going to warn us? (5780/2020)
Parshas Nitzovim- Vayelech (5780/ 2020) How many times is Moshe going to warn us?This class presents and analyzes Moshe’s (i.e. the Torah’s) prophecy that is repeated SIX TIMES!!! and in hindsight has clearly been revealed in the painful and miraculous story of Jewish history. The prophecy says in various ways between Parshios Vaeschanan, Nitzavim, Vayelech…
Kinesher yair Kino 5746.
Class One. Overview of Kinesher (Haazinu) Maamar. Tomorrow (class two) we’ll read it inside IYH. The Passuk aligns exactly with the days after Yom Kippur, when the T’shuva is so high (and) that it is only positive; and it is found in the words of the two P’sukim: Kinesher… Yifros Knafav… Yisaeihu al Evraso… Hashem…
כנשר יעיר כינו ה’תשמ”ב.
This Ma’amar explores a sequence of four Pesukim beginning with כי חלק הוי’ עמו are our roots, ימצאהו בארץ מדבר discusses finding us in a desert and how from the desert itself comes our upliftedness, This is followed by the Possuk that is the Ma’amar’s title כנשר יעיר כינו. He explains how the transforming of…
Haazinu 32:03 – Ki Sheim Hashem Ekra…. The significance of responding to the mention of Hashem’s name.
Ki Sheim Hashem Ekra…. The significance of responding to the mention of Hashem’s name.
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