
Hachodesh 5739; Parshas hachodesh Maamar

Class One: This class (the first of two on this Ma’amar) deals with the idea of: לא הי’ צריך להתחיל התורה אלא החודש הזה לכם, ומה טעם פתח בבראשית? משום כח מעשיו הגיד לעמו לתת להם נחלת גויים The Torah doesn’t bring בראשית just to defend a non-Jew’s onslaught, but because the world is where…

החודש ה’תש”ם.

(This is a Parshas HaChodesh Ma’amar). The story of creation must be a part of the Torah but why in the beginning? Why Rav Yitzchok asks this question? Three steps: A. The דינים וגבורות that allow to world to exist; B. The reversal of the צמצום so that what was in the מקום החלל before…

החודש הזה לכם (בא) ה’תש”מ

This מאמר is a המשך to the one before. It develops the same three ideas based on 1) creation per se 2) The newness associated with Mattan Torah after Galus Mitzrayim, This idea (dominates the מאמר) and is explained based on a מדרש and a זהר that both equate the giving of the Torah to…

Hachodesh 5747.

Two levels of revelation: the G-Dliness of the world and the G-Dliness of Torah. Part One. Part Two.

Hachodesh 5746. (5772/2012).

This is a Parshas Hachodesh maamar. The two levels of the Chidush of Nissan 1) Rosh Chadashim 2) Rishon….. LiChodshei HaShana,correspond to 1) The miracles that are higher than nature, and 2) How these miracles merge with nature . This Maamar also explores the miracle of creation that comes before the New year of Nissan…

Hachodesh 5744

the Creation, Hashem’s choice in creation, Hashem’s choice in His people. Nature, Miracles in nature, Miracles that are higher than nature. The interplay between nature and the supernatural, What this means in Avodah.

Hachodesh 5743 (2).

Is HaChodesh on Rosh Chodesh or the entire month? This Ma’amar explores the Possuk (from the haftorah of Tzav) Al Yishalel Chochom BiChochmaso… only BiZos Yishalel’. The idea is that one’s greatness is measured in how he affects what is lower than him. This refers to Chochma of Malchus, as it is represented in Rosh…

Hachodesh 5743 (1).

Class One. Three levels: 1) Nature, Elokim, everything changes and goes towards deterioration, 2) Havaya Lo Shanisi that affects that nature should remain unchanging. 3) Ness, the Miracle, the Havaya which is always new. The two levels of miracles are discussed in this Ma’amar in the contexts of: 1) Torah, 2) Tefila (Krias Shma, 3)…