
16. Habaim Yoshreish Yaakov 5738

Habaim Yashresh Ya’akov 5738 (Class One).The basic question: the Possuk is about Liasid, how can the Possuk say that Liasid first begins the Yatzitz Ufarach Yisroel?Answer: It is referring to the entire time from the entry into Mitzrayim until Moshiach comes. It’s one long ירידה צורך עלי’ה.Also, there needs to be the earth in which…

04. Bayom Hashmini Shalach 5739

Bayom Hashmini Shalach 5739 This Ma’amar is from the Haftora of Shmini Atzeres. The story was that when the celebration of the building the Beis Hamikdash was complete, the people didn’t simply leave, they were sent off. This was the Shlichus they were taking home from being with the King. He gave them a shlichus…

Rani ViSimchi Bas Tziyon 5745.

This is a Chanuka Ma’amar Rani ViSimchi is the Maamar of Chanuka (and Bihaalosecha, after Shavuos). It explains three levels and then a fourth. The three are the regular concerns of a Yid: 1) Mitzvos, 2) Torah 3) Mesiras Nefesh in the daily performance of Torah and Mitzvos. The fourth is called ‘Bas Tzion’ and…

Rani ViSimchi 5743.

This is a Chanuka Ma’amar. To get to the Eseence you must go in order and start from the very Bottom Osiyos before Ohr in Torah, Mitzvos Maasoyos before any Kavana. Bas Tziton.

רני ושמחי בת ציון התשמ”ב.

This is a Chanuka Ma’amar. This Ma’amar is about Galus and is therefore appropriate for Chanuka, since it is a Galus Yom tov though it occurred during the time of the Beis HaMikdash Thus, Rani which means to sing which is done from distance and darkness (as the Zohar states) brings one close, In fact…

Habaim Yashreish 5747.

The lowest Avoda is the highest and will be revealed in the end.

Habaim Yashresh Ya’akov 5743.

Why does the Parsha that epitomizes Golus have a Haftorah that talks of Geula? The answer: the point of Galus is Geula. Not only the Geula from Mitzrayim is hinted here but all the Geulos including the final one. It is very important to reveal however that this advantage of Geula begins emphatically on the…

Viavdi Dovid 5746. Acharon Shel Pesach (Muga).

This Maamar is included here as it is a Possuk from the Haftorah of Parshas Vayigash. Two opposing approaches to understanding Hashem’s purpose in creation: 1) Talmud: that is all about being close. It is the delight of Yiddishkeit. 2) Maase’: action that is about distance from Hashem and is special because it is a…