A Hemshech (2 Maamarim) Pesach 5744
Ki Yishalcha Bincha 5744. The Ben Chochom already knows Aidus Chukim and Mishpatim, what is bothering him is, why our Yiddishkeit is different than the Avos and is connected to action. The answer is that ‘Avadim haYinu’-, the challenges in Mitzrayim raised us up to the level of being able to elevate physical things also….
הא לחמא עני’ה ה’תשמ”ב.
Class One. The two allusions to Matza in the Haggada, one in Mitzrayim and another as they were leaving. חידוש נפלא הנמצא במאמר זה that אתכפיא is higher than אתהפכא. This is the basis for how we understand הא לחמא עני’ די אכלו אבהתנא בארעא דמצרים. Class Two. The Ma’amar inside. Two Matzos- before and…
הא לחמא עני’ ה’תשמ”א.
Class One. This class introduces three ideas of Matza: 1) Matza Aniya in Mitzrayim, 2) Matza Aniya after they left Mitzrayim, 3) Matza Ashira. The three appear to be connected to the three אהבות that are three levels of ביטול in this מאמר in the following order: ואהבת את הוי’ אלוקיך בכל… 1) נפשך 2)…
The Seder, a practical beginners guide. (5773/2013).
The Seder, a practical beginners guide. (5773/2013).The Seder and the Haggadah, commentary, thoughts and some instructions. A beginners to intermediate overview of the Seder what happens and what (some of) it means. This class is a very meaningful version of the Hagada and worthwhile to ‘bring you into the mood of Pesach’.
A Hemshech (2 Maamarim)
Ki Yishalcha Bincha 5744. The Ben Chochom already knows Aidus Chukim and Mishpatim, what is bothering him is, why our Yiddishkeit is different than the Avos and is connected to action. The answer is that ‘Avadim haYinu’-, the challenges in Mitzrayim raised us up to the level of being able to elevate physical things also….
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