Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020)(13)
Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020), Class Thirteen.Likutei Sichos vol. 30 page 148 ff. Class Two.In spite of the two universal points about Hashgacha listed above there is still a difference between universal Hashgacha and the Hashgacha Pratis of a Yid:The first is ‘logical’ and therefore though everything is central to creation there remains more central…
Toras Menachem – Vayeitze 5712 (02) Second Sicha – Class 01
Class Two. The Mitteler Rebbe. Hashgacha Protis. Page 156-7.
The Baal Shem Tov. His life and legacy. (5772/2011) Lecture 10
This is a new series that will IY”H review all of the details known about the Rabbeiim. Given at Chovevei Torah. Lecture Ten. The philosophy of Chassidus (4). The world. Chassidus’ view of the creation (world): 1) Hashem creates the world ex nihilo every instant, [and is not only creating Yesh MiYesh] and, 2) there…
The Baal Shem Tov. His life and legacy. (5772/2011) Lecture 10
This is a new series that will IY”H review all of the details known about the Rabbeiim. Given at Chovevei Torah. Lecture Ten. The philosophy of Chassidus (4). The world. Chassidus’ view of the creation (world): 1) Hashem creates the world ex nihilo every instant, [and is not only creating Yesh MiYesh] and, 2) there…
Toras Menachem – Shavous 5719 to Neshei Chabad
(1) What is Neshei? and the responsibility it involves? Hashgacha Protis and how it gives meaning. (2) Leadership, action and inclusiveness.
Hayom Yom – 29 Sivan
The life of a Chossid is based on his sensitizing himself to Hashgacha Protis. The stories of the Rebbe encouraging people to see Hashem in their every day life.
Sicha – Purim – Hidden (04)
Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff Kreplach and a jug of wine. This class starts out with two stories that deepen the explanation of the Baal Shem Tov’s view of hashgacha pratis (specific Divine providence). This background provides the tools to further clarify why the Yom Tov of Purim is named after a lottery intended…
Sicha – Purim – Hidden (03)
Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff Love beyond reason. This class explores the two concepts in hashgacha (providence) 1) Klalis (general) and 2) Protis (detailed). this is then applied to the story of Purim. This class provides a good example of how Chassidic philosophy brings sparkling clarity to a mysterious Torah question. In this case,…
Sicha – Purim – Hidden (02)
Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff A Yom Tov named Purim. This class addresses several questions related to Purim: 1) Why use a Persian name for this Yom Tov? 2) Why use a name that reminds us of the tragedy rather than the miracle? 3) Why is G-d’s name never mentioned in the Megilla? and…
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