
HaYom Yom – 06 Menachem Av (2)

Hayom Yom 6 Menachem Av, Class Two.One Havaya brings a second Havaya that brings a third Havaya.But the point is עושה שמים וארץ the world must be.

The Hadran Hagadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(36)

Class Thirty Six. Another insight into the connection between HaVaYa and the first four words of the RaMbaM 1) Yud, 2) Hove’. The Yud is never changing. The linking of Nigla and Nistar is found in this RaMbaM! Page 27-8.

308 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kol HaShone’ Halachos – Class 03

Page 429-430. NEW SV p. 564-5. Havaya. Higher than Elokim Chayim. Havaya is one, not like Elokim. Normally it is Sovev. In this Maamar (however) it refers to atzmus- Him! 1) Hashem Elokeinu Hashem, 2) [The Rokeach] Ani Rishon…Acharon UmiBalude’cha Ain Elokim. 3) Elokeinu and Elokim, 4) [The Zohar] Ani Ani Hu… atzmus. 5) (The…

11b Vayevurech Dovid Part two.

A translation of the text. A few points were emphasized; What is a Bracha? Why praise Hashem? What does Boruch mean? Ata? Hu? and Havaya?