311 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Im Bichukosai – Class 01
Page 434 ff. new SV page 571 ff. Halacha K’divrei HaMachria. Two opinions are resolved not by the third taking the side of one of them but by incorporating what both hold. Example: Tiferes including Chesed and Gevura. Tiferes is higher and reveals the essence of its source and therefore can achieve this.
310 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kol HaShone’ Halachos – Class 05
Page 431 ff. NEW SV p. 567 ff. Absolute Truth means being entirely independent. This is true only of Hashem. Everything else exists and may be “True” because of Him. 3 levels: 1) Not complete lie, 2) Emes- True [because of Him, but Emes mitzad Atzmo because of Him], 3) Emes La’amito. Him!
309 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kol HaShone’ Halachos – Class 04
Page 430 ff. NEW SV page 565 ff. Havaya in this context means Hashem! The Ginas Egoz explains that Havaya means to exist and all others exist because of Him. But this doesn’t define Him as a Creator. The Alter Rebbe explains that Hishavus (creation) can be only from Atzmus. This also doesn’t define Him…
308 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kol HaShone’ Halachos – Class 03
Page 429-430. NEW SV p. 564-5. Havaya. Higher than Elokim Chayim. Havaya is one, not like Elokim. Normally it is Sovev. In this Maamar (however) it refers to atzmus- Him! 1) Hashem Elokeinu Hashem, 2) [The Rokeach] Ani Rishon…Acharon UmiBalude’cha Ain Elokim. 3) Elokeinu and Elokim, 4) [The Zohar] Ani Ani Hu… atzmus. 5) (The…
307 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kol HaShone’ Halachos – Class 02
Page 428, NEW SV p. 562-3. Koach HaHechrech- the Soul’s power to get oneself to have real passion [Light] for something they naturally have no passion for. 1) The Neshama is a Pnimi (loyal, dedicated, commited) in essence. 2) Daas uses the Neshsma’s power to connect: a. Mind and heart, b. Chochma and Bina, c….
306 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kol HaShone’ Halachos – Class 01
Page 427 ff. NEW SV Page 561 ff. Atzilus is only Giluyim (revealed light of G-Dliness) and is therefore available as Pnimyus of Elokim Chayim. This applies to three levels: 1) The Sfiros (like Kochos), 2) Ratzon, 3) Koach HaHechrech [the power to create an interest in the person where there is none in the…
304 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ko Amar Hashem – Class 06
Page 443 ff. NEW SV p. 557 ff. Explanation of “Elokim Chayim” it is Elokus and Gevul. Torah is different from all other Chochma as they are called Chitzoniyus and Torah is Pnimiyus. This means it is linked to the bli gvul and Ein Sof. Something limited is thus more (infinitely more) than its limitation….
303 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ko Amar Hashem – Class 05
Page 423 ff. NEW SV p. 556 ff. Before tzimtzum Harishon [and above BY”A] 3 ideas: Ata, Hu Havaya.The Tzimtzum allows for Elokim [Chayim] to emerge.
302 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ko Amar Hashem – Class 04
PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS BEFORE LISTENING TO THE NEXT FEW CLASSES. ******************************************************************* Page 422 ff. NEW SV P. 552 ff.Introduction to the Sugia of Beis Hilel and Beis Shamai and Halacha. Three levels of light: Ohr Atzmi [Yechida, Chaya], Ohr Neshama (Elokim Chayim), Ohr Nefesh Ruach (Elokim).
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