261 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kadosh Ata – Class 04
Different sources of G-Dliness accessed by Eved Pashut and Ne’eman.
260 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kadosh Ata – Class 03
Differences between Eved Pashut and Ne’eman in 1) Hatzlacha, 2) To whom the work is attributed, 3) Source of Simcha.
259 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kadosh Ata – Class 02
1) Keser Shem Tov, Dovid made a name. 2) The Mishalim (allegories) given for the idea of Ohr Chozer. Pages 356-9. (New Edition pp 470-473)
258 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kadosh Ata – Class 01
Ohr Chozer is mashpia upwards in hishtalshelus. What does it mean. (NOTE: The class is just one person’s understanding at the moment). Pages 356-8. (New Edition pp 470-472)
257 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Tiku – Class 04
The birur of an Eved Pashut changes nature and is a Chidush. In Kabala language M”A is mivarer BA”N and brings out it’s source- SA”G and goes beyond that to A”B. Pages 354-5. (New Edition pp467-468)
256 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Tiku – Class 03
1) The chidush of “Dira Bitachtonim” will manifest (the difference between) Leasid (when Moshiach and Techiyas Hameisim occur) and Mattan Torah. Both events involved a light from above but one overwhelms an unprepared world and the other qualifies a receiving world. 2) These two are also connected to the two “Shiluvim” of Adna-i and Havaya…
255 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Tiku – Class 02
This effort (elevating the world from itself) is ”Dira BiTachtonim”; It is corroborated by the Midrash ”Bmi Nimlach biNishmoseihen Shel Tzadikim”. It explains the Possuk ”Yonasi” (Neshama) ”bichagvei haSela” (hardness rooted in Tohu- the source of the physical world and Klipa) ”BiSeser HaMadreigos ” (It’s success happens as a total surprise) ”Hareini es Mareich” (It…
254 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Tiku – Class 01
In explaining the unique Chidush given to the Creator by simple people the Rebbe RASHAB introduces us to the idea of ”Sheim BAN hamisbarer” (the world is correcting itself). He illustrates this using the Neshama’s relationship with the Animal soul as a model. The Neshama doesn’t overwhelm the Animal soul but inspires it to correct…
253 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ki Hamitzva – Class 04 v. 2
“Nautz Sofan biTchilasan viTchilasan biSofan”. The end not only comes from the beginning but the beginning (G-D) is planted in the end Malchus and to a greater extent Asiya. Pages 345-7.
252 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ki Hamitzva -Class 03 v. 2
Techilla is as close a term we’ll find (though fundamentally inexact) for Atzmus. Pages 343-5.
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