28. בחדש השלישי ה’תשל”ט This is the second מאמר in a המשך about מתן תורה
בחדש השלישי ה’תשל”ט The day Yidden arrived at Har Sinai two events occurred: 1) ויחן שם ישראל… כאיש אחד בלב אחד Yidden achieved a unity based on a deep ביטול which allowed for מתן תורה to happen 2) ביום הזה there was a revelation of הזה which also (helped) allow מתן תורה to take place….
27. מחר חדש ה’תשל”ט This is the first in a המשך about מתן תורה
מחר חדש ה’תשל”ט Class One: The Torah existed before מתן תורה but we received עוז תושי’ה and שלום to achieve the point of the ביטול הגזירה. The basis for all of this is ביטול. The idea of לאמר that any Yid at any time can recreate the אימה יראה רתת and זיעה of מתן תורה…
073 Samech Vov (First Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 01
This class is also called: 100 Samech Vav (Complete Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 01 and is also found in the Complete Version series.
074 Samech Vov (First Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 02
Samech Vav – A74This class is also called 101 Samech Vav (Complete Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 01 and is found also in the Complete Version series. The discussion of “Ain koach choser poel l’maala begins. Creation from nothingness (yesh meayin) and creation from something (yesh miyesh) are discussed.
075 Samech Vov (First Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 03
This class is also called 102 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 03 and is found also in the Complete Version series. The discussion of “Ain koach choser poel” continues. The class then moves on to the subject of the bittul (self-nullification) of malachim (angels) to their Source. Malchus (Kingship) is also…
069 Samech Vov (First Version) – Vayigash – Class 02
Vayashkem Lavan Baboker vs. Ahava Raba- klolus and protis. Haarachas, Hadlakas Haneiros
068 Samech Vov (First Version) – Vayigash – Class 01
Neshama Lemata from 1) keilim. 2) Yatza Venifreda. 3) Elokus shenaasa Nivra. giluy leorer
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