Class 33
Page 44-5. Notes for Ma’amar numbered 3 This class accepts that even Malachim deal with Birur but it is not low enough to reveal so high an Ohr as Neshamos reveal. Nehamos reach kedusha and malachim cannot.
Class 32
Page 43-4. Notes for Ma’amarim numbered 1-2. Bittul, chidush, Only Neshamos and not Malachim, Kodesh, Torah and Tefilla, the lowest Avoda the greatest delight.
Class 31
Page 42-3. In Avodah the Rebbe explains what Iskafia achieves and especially what Iskafia (Bittul BiMitzius) achieves: The Great Tzadikim lift the limitations of time and space. But there still is time and space it is simply not limiting. We discussed (at length) the difference between Bittul HaYesh and Bittul BiMtzius.
Class 30
Page 41-2. Chidush. There are two chidushim: 1) from Ayin to Yesh, 2) From Yesh to Ayin. The ma’amar argues that the Chidush from Yesh to ayin is greater than the Chidush from Ayin to Yesh, as indicated in the story of the Gold leg of the table delivered and then taken back from Rav…
Class 29
Page 39-40. The showing of panim as a Keli for the panim of heaven is our Bittul. The reason Bittul is so powerful from this world, is because of the ‘Chidush’ like the Mashal of the Bird’s apology. A discussion on the Yesodos (or Tzuros) and the fact that the Malachim (Angels) have bodies from…
Class 28
Page 37-9. Atzilus is a Mimutza (intermediate) between Ein Sof and Briah. Question: what purpose does a Mimutza serve when the distance between the higher and the lower is quantum (Yesh MeAyin)? Three ideas: 1) the Tzura from Atzilus comes to Briah through closeness, not distance. 2) The Ayin must be close (Razton and Hispaalus)…
Class 27
Page 36-7. The first part of this Shiur was dedicated to the fourth example of havdala in this Maamar: from Ratzon (will) to Sechel requires a Tzimtzum. Later we discuss the havdalos as they apply on high specifically (the same four discussed above in the Mashal as they apply in the Nimshal) in Atzilus: 1)…
Class 26
Page 34-6. This supplemental class is quite deep. It includes two ideas. 1) That to go from Yesh to a new Yesh requires Ayin in between, but that is not necessary when going from Koach hamskil to sechel galuy, as the Koach hamaskil is itself Ayin. 2) the Ayin is not a break but a transition…
Class 25
Page 34-6. 3) The tzimtzum between koach haMaskil and Sechel Galuy. Three levels 1) Etzem, 2) Inyan, 3) Metzius. In Sechel these are 1) Koach Hiyuli HaAtzmi, 2) Koach Hili, 3) Koach HaGaluy.
Class 24
Page 32-4. Examples of havdala. 1) the Tzimtzum between Middos and Dibbur, 2) the tzimtzum between Sechel and Middos.
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