
Class 23

Page 31-2. This Ma’amar which further explains the idea of the light coming from a higher level to a lower level through a series of havdalos (separations) where each consists of two steps: 1) removal of the Pnimiyus, 2) the Chitzoniyus lowers itself. Here we discuss certain ideas that introduce this to a variety of…

Class 22

Page 29-30 (and before). The two opposites of the Kav: 1) how far from the Ein Sof it is. It went through Tzimtzum and has been changed from Iggul to Kav, and is only a Haara DiHaaara of the Ein Sof; on the other hand the Tzimtzum imposes nothing on the Kav other than to…

Class 21

Page 27-9. Malchus is a Midda which is so separate from the Nefesh that it is altogether outside the (ohr of) the Nefesh. Kochos (Sechel, Middos and Chushim) are outside the Nefesh but it is still close enough to the Nefesh to be considered a Nafshi. Malchus has a low end which is altogether outside…

Class 20

Page 25-6. This Ma’amar follows the two that came before it and it is notes on the new Ma’amar based on the earlier Shiurim. This class reviews the previous ones, has much discussion and Q&A and explains a few ideas inside. 1) Ata Hu Hashem livadecha, 2) Ad Shelo Nivra HaOlom Haya Hu Ushmu Bilvad….

Class 19

Page 23 (-25). This Shiur explores levels in Ohr Ein Sof and explains (in order and from the top down) the various ‘Havdalos’ (Tzimtzumim) that happen even before the first Tzimtzum (separates the Iggul from the Kav). 1) Etzem of Ein Sof which is not even Giluy, 2) Giluy to Himself, this has Sfiros within…

Class 18

Page 23. Ohr has the opposite characteristics of Shefa: 1) It comes from the Source automatically, passively, and has nothing of the Source itself; 2) It has everything that the source has, however there are two additional characteristics: 3) It is with Will, this means that if Hashem didn’t want Ohr it wouldn’t be. Nevertheless…

Class 17

Page 20 ff. In explaining havdala (which is about Ohr Ein Sof) he prefaces the discussion of Ohr and Shefa. Ohr is everything but nothing of the Etzem, Shefa is limited but the Giver is Giving (of Himself,) as He is involved. the second half of this class is discussing two details in the maamar…

Class 16

Page 20 ff. Nesira is the separation of a lesser union to allow for a deeper one, like the separating of Adam and Chava so they could face one another. Havdala separates higher from lower light (of Ein Sof) to allow for the creation of the world, but the point is to ultimately reveal the…

Class 15

Page 19-20. This Shiur involved a review of: 1) Achor vs. Panim, 2) Panim vs. Yechida, which are I. Bakshu Phanai, and II. Mimaamaikm, 3) Two levels of the Aleph, one that conceals and another that reveals and Rosh Hashana the second (Aleph= Peleh) is re-revealed. 4) Many details.

Class 14

Page 17-19. The second Gevuros, don’t hide but reveal with a qualitative strength. The idea that the gevura that reveals doesn’t begin with Bina but with much higher (Chochma, Keser, Atik etc.) is discussed here.