
Class 13

Page 17. Gevuros (tzimtzum) is necessary for creation to happen. The Mashal of Voice (kol) is used to explain this point, Question: why is this example for Tzimtzum used, rather than the tzimtzum of Sechel and Middos etc. Suggested answer.

Class 12

Page 16-17. Kol, voice that comes from the heart (according to Chassidus) has a source in a level where it is a ‘Harkava Pshuta’ which makes it ‘Ain Sof’. From that level it would be impossible to create actual individual sounds without Tzimtzum, This is the Tzimtzum of the letter Aleph.

Class 11

Chaya is with passion while Yechida is quiet and natural; because Yechida is joining two things that are really one, while Chaya is joining two things using a third- the passion. A thought on Malachim.

Class 10

Page 12-13. Chaya and Yechida, Etzem and koach haratzon as they are connected to Kol (sound) simple and complex, audible and inaudible.

Class 09

Page 11-12. Pnimiyus HaNefesh on the level of Chaya is also outside of the Etzem and subject to change and Harkava. It is called ‘koach haratzon’ and is not Etzem. The real idea of Pnimiyus is in the Etzem of the Neshama (Yechida) where there are no changes and it is the entire Etzem that…

Class 08

Page 9-11 Panim is a direct meeting between the Pnimiyus of the Neshama and the Pnimiyus of Elokus. Still, there is the request and requirement of ‘Bakshu Phanai’, that one must seek the Pnimiyus. There are two explanations here: 1) The Pnimiyus is only accessed after the Chitzoniyus has been perfected and that is the…

Class 07

Page 8-9. Panim of the Neshama is Ratzon; and the panim of Elokus Ein Sof. These two can only meet directly, no Keilim or other intermediate entities are involved, either they, meet directly or not at all.

Class 06

Hisbonenus to ‘feel’ NaRaN in BY”A and Atzilus. This class covers a lot of text.

Class 05

This class emphasizes the nature of real Avoda in Chassidus that begins with the most basic levels. Though in philosophy one can start anywhere, and people love to start with highest levels, in Avoda (real life and work) if one skips steps, whatever he does is simply not real. Bittul of hanachas Atzmuso etc

Class 04

Page 3-5. Beyond simply knowing the Metzius of Elokus, there is the knowledge of the (M’hus of the)Metzius of the differences between Briah Yetzira and Asiya. Though it is still only Metzius, it is discerning within the Metzius. (The M’hus is Atzilus).